If we can say that in literature, something is — I would say is clear, that one is not going to an end, when the novel comes to an end, it is not finished. And when the novel starts, it is not the very beginning. ((Where The Life Comes From)) It began before. You open — there is already something there, there was already somebody — somebody comes from there or somebody opens the door, but that was the door, that was already somebody. In philosophy, the will or the desire of philosophy is to start from the beginning, where is the beginning? At least one philosopher gives — begs the question, that is Hegel, what is a departing point for the science? Science meaning — I mean science of all things — philosophy, that is at the beginning of the great logic. And then Hegel explains that the starting point shall be the most simple point, what is the most simple, that is the idea of being as the most empty idea. There is nothing with being — just being…


Okay, we start with being et cetera. Then comes the whole — what you call, the great logical figure. Maybe Hegel is the only one to do that absolutely in an expert way, what shall be the starting point in France. ((Turning The World Upside Down Pt. 2)) But in a way maybe philosophy does not end. And what is maybe with the phenomenology of Husserl and then there’s the second — not phenomenology, but the way soul went out of phenomenology of Heidegger. It was again a desire to come to the very starting point, the idea of Husserl, the man or all of Husserl is toward things themselves. ((Tripartite))

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