I’m already a Chinese artist. I have been a Chinese artist before it was fashionable to be a Chinese artist. ((Badge Of Honor)) In my 20s — my first Sonnabend show, I was showing wood cast Indonesian concrete mixes, my first exhibition at the Ileana Sonnabend, 420 West Broadway in New York. ((Henri Cartier-Bresson, Push Your Good Luck, Thriving World Of Artists)) Sometimes, I need to explain to young girls where — what it means, Ileana Sonnabend. I mean, they don’t know anymore, this great gallery. But the first time I’ve been showing there, I had these wood cast concrete mixes done in Indonesia. And my friends were basically Chinese, and they were dreaming to become Chinese just like me. I mean, we were all dreaming to be Chinese. ((African Chinese, What Is Music)) But we were 1990, 1991, impossible to become Chinese.

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