Actually I often described Spinoza’s concept of nature, which is also his notion of God, it’s almost like the final theory of everything, as a string theorist understands it. ((Multidisciplinary Approach, Poetry And Philosophy, Submerge Your Own Ego)) It is a theory that would explain — not only give us the final fundamental laws of nature, but that would explain everything about them, including why they had to be the laws of nature, and why they had to be realized why there had to be something rather than nothing. And the big assumption he makes — and he doesn’t even state it, because to him it’s sort of a principle of logic, so he doesn’t even bother to state it, but he uses it in his deductions. And once you see it, the deductions actually go through in the Ethics. It’s reasons all the way down. It’s not turtles all the way down, it’s reasons. There’s no contingency, there’s nothing that’s just true because it’s true and that’s it. There’s always a reason, not that we can always get the reason, we’re finite and the reasons are infinite, but we can get enough of them to see that everything has a reason, and also to reform our minds and our identity and the way we regard life in accordance. That’s kind of the — that’s the essence of that book, the Ethics.

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