So, first of all, I mean Deep Listening practice, which is what I call it. I don’t call it technique, I call it practice, includes listening meditation, and meditation is related to traditional forms of meditation, sitting practice. ((Fast As Speed)) But it centers on listening, and it centers on two, what I call inclusive listening, and then exclusive listening. These are two forms. You could also call them focal listening and global listening. So, inclusive listening means listening to everything, including every possible thing that you could hear. It means giving attention to your hearing. And exclusive listening is also giving attention to hearing, but it’s focused on one sound or a stream of sounds, for example, melody, sequence and music, and your attention is devoted to the detail of that sound or stream of sounds. ((Acoustic Beats))


But inclusive listening is including everything, like a creaking floor or traffic going by, whatever, all of the sounds that you might hear, and being aware of them, that awareness is kind of fuzzy. It isn’t sharp and detailed, like exclusive listening, but it’s inclusive, and maintains awareness of the environment and the whole possibility of what is possible to hear. And the meditation then is being able to do both of these forms simultaneously, and to always expand your inclusive listening.

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