And this is one of the great things that I try and share, because so many are not aware of how remarkable the model of really the Renaissance Hermetic ideal, the microcosm/macrocosm, man as the universe and nurturer, and when you see — I was always so moved and still am, when I see how in — whether it’s the work of Jakob Boehme, of Robert Fludd, of Kircher, all of these beings, we see how the philosophical, the deep philosophical ideas are translated into visual imagery, and that the visual imagery as well is like music, so that it leads us into trusting more and more this imaginative key that we have, because I just feel that there’s such an untapped resource in terms of these illustrations, these ideas, and the sense that we human beings really are the footprint of the divine. ((CTM, Bucket Of Dirt, Kingdom Of Man, Monolithic Entity)) And if we study ourselves with that nature, rather than we are meaningless, you open up what the renaissance was after, meaning the artistry of perception. Not simply the fundamental science of it, but really that’s why the alchemists called themselves artists. ((Multidisciplinary Approach)) It was to bring forth beauty, not just information.

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